嘉兴大学教授,硕士生导师,博士、博士后,美国明尼苏达大学教育与人类发展学院等访问学者。主持教育部人文社科研究青年项目等省部级科研项目4项,发表论文30余篇(其中SSCI/SCI收录15篇),出版专著2部,获浙江省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖青年奖1项。兼任浙江省营养学会理事、广州体育学院学报、Journal of School Health等杂志审稿人。研究领域:身体活动与健康促进。
[1] 吴燕, 叶孙岳*. 父母教养方式和儿童体育活动与3~4岁儿童睡眠问题的关联研究[J/OL]. 中国儿童保健杂志, 1-6[2024-12-27]. (北大核心, CSCD收录)
[2] J Chen, X Zhou, X Wu, Z Gao, S Ye*. Effects of exergaming on the executive functions of children: A systematic review and meta-analysis from 2010 to 2023[J]. Archives of Public Health 2023, 81(1): 182. (SSCI, IF2022:3.3, JCR 2区, WOS中截至2024.12.27被引6次)
[3] S Ye*, Y Zhu, J Jiang, Q Fan. Associations of home-based screen time and it’s changes with follow-up body mass index in Chinese preschool-aged children[J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health 2023, 35(6-7): 429-432. (SSCI, IF2022:2.5, JCR 3区)
[4] Y Wu, S Ye*. Longitudinal association of changes in parental correlates with screen time in Chinese preschoolers[J]. Journal of Physical Activity & Health 2023, 20(8): 727-734. (SSCI, IF2022:3.1, JCR 2区)
[5] 叶孙岳*, 王海棠. 学龄前儿童居家户外活动、视屏时间及睡眠时长影响因素的随访研究[J]. 中国儿童保健杂志 2023, 31(8): 836-840.(CSCD 2023-2024, CNKI中截至2024.12.27被引2次)
[6] 张红, 汪馨垚, 姚春花, 叶孙岳*. 学龄前儿童居家户外活动时间的影响因素[J]. 中国儿童保健杂志 2023, 31(5): 481-485.(CSCD 2023-2024, CNKI中截至2024.08.26被引7次)
[7] 叶孙岳 等/著. 儿童青少年屏前久坐行为研究[M]. 浙江大学出版社, 2022年11月. (获浙江省第二十二届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖青年奖)
[8] X Wang, Y Wu, C Yao, X Wu, Y Ruan, S Ye*. Correlates of preschoolers’ screen time in China: parental factors[J]. BMC Pediatrics 2022, 22: 417. (SCI, IF2021:2.57, 中科院3区, WOS中截至2024.08.26被引2次)
[9] X Huang, N Zeng, S Ye*.Associations of sedentary behavior with physical fitness and academic performance among Chinese students aged 8-19 years[J]. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2019, 16(22): 4494. (SCI, IF2018:2.47, 中科院3区, WOS中截至2024.12.27被引17次)
[10] S Ye, ZC Pope, JE Lee, et al. Effects of School-Based Exergaming on Urban Children's Physical Activity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness: A Quasi-Experimental Study[J]. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2019;16(21): 4080. (SCI, IF2018:2.47, 中科院3区, WOS中截至2024.12.27被引19次)
[11] 叶孙岳*, 黄欣. 儿童青少年屏前静态行为干预研究进展[J]. 中国公共卫生 2019; 35(9): 1276-1280.(北大核心, CSCD, CNKI中截至2024.08.26被引12次, WOS中截至2024.08.26被引12次)
[12] 叶孙岳. 智能手机体力活动相关应用程序的有效性及其行为改变技术[J]. 中华健康管理学杂志, 2019; 13( 2 ): 161-164. (CSCD 2021-2022)
[13] S Ye(叶孙岳), C Zhu, C Wei, et al. Associations of body composition with blood pressure and hypertension[J]. Obesity 2018; 26: 1644-1650. (SCI, IF2018: 4.04, 中科院2区, WOS中截至2024.12.27被引35次)
[14] S Ye*, JE Lee, DF Stodden, et al. Impact of Exergaming on Children’s Motor Skill Performance and Health-Related Fitness: A Quasi-Experimental Study[J]. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2018; 7: 261. (SCI, IF2018: 5.583, 中科院2区, WOS中截至2024.12.27被引33次)
[15] S Ye*(叶孙岳), L Chen, Q Wang, et al. Correlates of screen time among 8–19-year-old students in China[J]. BMC Public Health 2018; 18: 467. (SCI, IF2017: 2.420, 中科院3区, WOS中截至2024.12.27被引32次)
[16] 叶孙岳. Sedentary行为:一种“久坐不动”的生活习惯[M]. 杭州: 浙江工商大学出版社, 2017年2月. (专著, 被多所图书馆、超星读秀/汇雅电子图书收录)
[17] S Ye*(叶孙岳), Q Jing, C Wei, et al. Risk factors of non-specific neck pain and low back pain in computer-using office workers in China: a cross-sectional study[J]. BMJ Open 2017; 7: e014914. (SCI, IF2016: 2.369, 中科院3区, WOS中截至2024.12.27被引89次, 被《生命时报》(2017年05月05日第14版)专题报道)
[18] 叶孙岳*, 郭静. 中国成人体育锻炼、静态行为流行状况、趋势及影响因素[J]. 首都体育学院学报2016; 28(4): 365-369. (北大核心, 中国人民大学报刊复印资料全文转载, 入选CNKI学术精要(2022年10-11月)高PCSI论文、高被引论文,CNKI中截至2024.12.27被引61次)
[19] 叶孙岳. 静态行为流行病学研究进展[J]. 中国公共卫生 2016; 32(03): 402-405. (北大核心, CSCD, CNKI中截至2024.02.09被引43次,WOS中截至2024.08.26被引47次)
[20] S Ye(叶孙岳), A Song, M Yang, et al. Television Viewing Duration and Bone Mineral Density in Chinese Women[J]. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism 2014; 32: 324–330. (SCI, IF2013: 2.114, 中科院3区, WOS中截至2024.08.26被引6次, 该论文被MDLinx选为Featured Article, 并被Faculty 1000选为重点推荐论文)